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Kamis, 14 November 2013

Know Candlelight Photography

Photography Techniques - Well .. this article could be the concept of pre-wedding photos loh , why ? candlelight photography or photography with candle light source could reinforce the impression of a romantic . Hmm so remember the days when candlelight dinner instead of going out ? Is my friend candlelight photography ever tried doing this ? The result could be an amazing tablet , given candlelight impressed not to mention warm and golden light flickering candle always override the subject's face or a model photo .We three ...

Each field of photography has always had challenges including the photos sourced light this candle . You can be sure Buddy will encounter low light conditions and it is the first thing you have to face . Here are some tips when doing candlelight photography :1 . Turn off the flash .If my friend wants to get natural light candles then turn off your flash . Try using a flash , and my friend certainly will not get a warm glow from the golden colored wax .2 . Use the TripodJust as in other low-light photography , use a tripod to get sharp images . Vulnerable low shutter speed with camera shake or camera shake . Ensure your camera remains stationary at the time of shooting using a tripod , and also consider using the shutter release to reduce the shock when Buddy pressing the shutter button .3 . Add candles .As we have explained above , that the greatest challenge in canlelight photography is the lack of light at the time of the shooting . Increase the candles of course can amplify light , and of course will also give you the flexibility to set the shutter speed , ISO and aperture .4 . Expand the range of candles .Using a candle or candles positioned adjacent at one position will cause the light to make a shadow to be strong in the face of the subject . The shadows could be just what you are looking for , but ideally light is spread evenly to form a softer shadows .5 . Natural reflectorTake advantage tablecloths or napkins white colored , these objects could be a natural reflector to add light to the subject of your photo . If you do not believe try to take pictures with and without white colored tablecloth , of picture with white tablecloths will terexpose better than them . The tablecloths reflect light candles in the direction of your subject 's face . This also applies to the walls or roof . Of its effect is not as great as we expected , but in low light conditions it will all help you get better pictures .6 . Quick lensIf my friend shooting with DSLR cameras and lenses have a few options , then choose the fastest lens you have. Why do fast lenses ? because it facilitates you with the lens aperture is wider and it means that more light enters the camera . My friend can use a 50mm lens ( f/1.8 or f1 / 4 ) . Note also that by using a wide aperture will produce a depth of field or depth of field is narrow , and there is less area of ​​the photo that will be focused .7 . Zoom and ApertureIf my friend using a zoom lens then noticed that the shorter the focal length the greater the maximum aperture that can be used . For example if you use the 18- 55mm kit lens then if you use the FL 18mm the maximum aperture that can be used will be increasingly wide f/3.5 . So move close to the subject when taking pictures using a short focal length ( wide ) to obtain a wider maximum aperture .8 . Context and backgroundtry to keep sesimple may , if possible, place the subject in front of a white colored background . avoid objects or objects that could be breaking the audience 's attention your photos .9 . shutter SpeedOne way to get more light into the camera is using a slower shutter speed . Remember that by reducing the shutter speed will increase the potential of being recorded on a motion picture ( either subject movement , or a candle flame ) . If the subject is quiet shooting including candle flame , try using a speed of 1/15 .10 . ISO SettingsThe other way when faced with low light conditions is to raise or elevate the ISO setting on the camera . Of course there are consequences when you change the ISO setting , the onset of noise or grain in your photos . If Buddy does not require the presence of ISO , try to keep using ISo under 400 , more than that then you will see the noise , especially if you print the image to a large size .11 . exposureIf Buddy include candles in the frame , the camera will produce images that you underexposed because the camera saw a bright spot . Buddy would probably be trying to raise one or two stops away from what is recommended by the camera . Remember do not raise the stop too much , you will end up with a spot that is too light in your photos .12 . White BalanceDo a little experiment with the white balance when doing candlelight photography . Scatter light colored candle warmer . WB settings automatically or " AUTO " is not likely to provide a warm color that you are looking for . Try some indoor settings such as white balance and Sinkers . Do not forget to use the RAW format so that you more freely adjust the white balance in post processing .13 . compositionIn terms of the composition there are two things that can be done , pal could include candles in the frame or let it out the frame . Both compositions are equally capable of producing good photographs , experiment ! If you decide to include candles in the frame of course will affect the camera settings ( as discussed in section exposure) , but also will create a point of interest, robust , and leads the eye to the photo lovers the candles , but also remember not to wax even distract you from the main subject .14 . Other light sourcesSometimes candles are not able to produce enough light when shooting , if you feel this is the case , then consider adding another light source such as a lamp that has the character of a warm light / golden .15 . Use a flash that comes with Colored Gel .Point number one is we recommend to turn off the flash to get natural light candles . But it could be an exception if you have a simple photographic devices such as colored gel . This simple photographic device can change the color of the flash becomes warmer or golden . Do not use the flash light is too strong , do some testing so that you can still get the natural colors of the candles .
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